RedThread Pictures is always seeking new concepts and story ideas to add to their always developing robust portfolio. Feel free to fill out the contact form and representative from the studio will contact to discuss your project.


Red Thread Pictures is located in Los Angeles, CA and you can find us on the famed lot of Raleigh Studios, the largest independent studio operator in the country, offering sound stages and office space. Raleigh Studios has served as home for some of the industry’s most influential leaders, including Douglas Fairbanks, Lillian and Dorothy Gish, Walt Disney, Bette Davis (the cult classic Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? was filmed at the lot) and Jim Henson and the Henson Companies.

RTP 1Production Offices (Los Angeles, CA) 
Paramount Pictures Studio Lot/Raleigh Studios Lot
650 N Bronson Ave #B145
Los Angeles, CA 90004

Red Thread Pictures calls Memphis, TN its true home and is located right in the backyard of another famed business empire, FedEx. Our offices look right over the amazing and alluring, TPC Southwind golf course, where every year the FedEx/St. Jude Classic PGA Tour golf tournament raises money and awareness for St. Jude. This location is where Red Thread Pictures was born and continues many of its business operations.
RTP Home OfficeBusiness Development Offices (Memphis, TN)
4728 Spottswood Ave
Suite #114
Memphis, TN 38117-4817



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