A new feature to our blog starting this week is “Short Film Pick of the Week.”Red Thread Pictures is made up of movie fans and some of the best and most creative things we usually see is shorts, small films, etc. So in order to kick off this post I thought we’d start with something our CEO and myself love, Superman.
The animated short comes from YoutTube user, Mauricio Abril, and he calls it “A Smallville Man.” An animatic film featuring an original Superman story told in over 150 illustrations set against the aural backdrop of the song “Walk” by the American Rock band Foo Fighters.
“The film explores the relationship between Superman’s past and present through separate stories that take us from the jungles of South America to the quaint streets of his hometown of Smallville. For those not quite familiar with South America, it’s “like America but south” (sorry for the un-related movie quote, but I just couldn’t resist). The two story lines ultimately converge thematically to show that the “S” on his chest represents not just his alien power but also the strength of his humanity.”
According to the short film maker, the film was a not-for-profit independent film endeavor “honoring the legacy of Superman and the Foo Fighters.” We hope you enjoy.