Red Thread Pictures is pleased to announce they have secured the full rights to the “Last Story of David Allan.” A thriller, the story follows an assassin who falls in love with a simple southern girl and soon gets tangled up in his work trying to save himself from… himself. The script comes from writer Matthew Sprosty, an Ohio-based playwright and screenwriter. Chief Executive Officer of Red Thread Pictures, Justin Gullet said, “We are so excited about having ‘David Allan’ as one of our first projects. We aim at telling the best possible stories and landed a great one with this script.”
Development on the project has already begun and plans are to begin searching for a director and stars with a production goal of Summer 2013.
“This is a big day in the history of Red Thread and everyone involved is so proud and excited,” said Gullett.
Gullett has been linked to the project for a couple of years before being able to secure it fully and bring it in house at Red Thread. No actors have been named to the project as of yet but that information will be announced when the time comes.